Real vs Replica Clothing Most people think the best way to know genuine from fake apparel is on the quality of materials. Brands that are actually high-end use fabrics of a certain weight and composition. One of those differences would be material, for example and authentic designer clothing will often tend to use premium material such as cotton or wool while the replica may not and include cheaper synthetic blends instead. For example, a genuine Chanel jacket is crafted in such luxurious fabrics with precision made details that it will weigh 800 grams or more and any replica of equal size will be noticeably lighter at less than 600 grams.
The stitch pattern is another thing that you have to consider; this can be done with a logo or even normal lines. Genuine luxury clothing contain even and regular stitching, usually with a stitch count (i.e. 10 stitches per inch). Cheap replica clothing often displays inconsistent or loose stitching which can contribute to the degradation of the material. Replica manufacturers usually miss out the details like logo placement or patterns that are precise to an exact point in original items.
The circulation of counterfeit goods accounted for an estimated $509 billion in the global market in 2019, most of which included clothing and accessories. Take for example the infamous world of counterfeiting, specifically surrounding brands such as Louis Vuitton who reported over 90% of its online sales were fake. Christian Dior, a famous designer said : ” Real luxury is the craft behind it as much as the materials.” This quote reminds us of the real craftsmanship that is put into genuine and original luxury garb, work which will not truly be recreated by replicas.
Any discrepancy in price is another important factor which might give you the final clue of spotting a counterfeit? You get what you pay for with designer goods, and premium is the name of the game when it comes to quality heritage, craftsmanship, and materials. So, for instance, if a real Gucci T-shirt runs in the $400 range, one fake might set you back just $50-$100. Yes, the cheaper price may sound like a good thing, but if we stop to think about it for one moment — the value is in fact lower if it is not authentic.
Labels and tags are another telltale sign. A lot of counterfeiters have less expensive branded labels and printed wrong headquarter. In some cases there may be a label sewn into the clothing inside that lists every brand of America, outdoor clothing in Britain and parts of Europe as well as geeky slogan >>>Authentic shirts with no such labels can not be bought!
To wrap it up recognizing replica clothing in general is easily detected by observing materials, price, stitching and tags. This is important because understanding these dots will keep most buyers from making mistakes often associated with buying counterfeit clothing — and buy original, high-quality clothes instead.